Troy University 2023 Homecoming and Appreciation Parade

Saturday, October 7, 2023 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM) (CDT)


Line up begins at 8 AM on 3 Notch St. Floats/vehicles must be in place by 8:30 AM and walking units by 9 AM. This year's theme is "T is for Troy."

- No Entry Fee 

- Register to be in parade no later than September 22nd

- Floats must not be longer than 14 feet 

All entries must have parade theme or Troy University signage on unit or will be subject to removal.

 Prohibited: NO horses, NO items may be thrown or handed out from floats, NO profanity/vulgar music or vulgar dancing. NO racing or high-speed performances. NO riding on the bumpers or tops of vehicles. Violation of these rules will be subject to removal. 

Downtown Troy

, AL United States
Saturday, October 7, 2023 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM) (CDT)
Registered Guests
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